In connection with the attack by a student at grammar school in Spisska Stara Ves, an investigator of the Internal Affairs Inspectorate (UIS) has charged a police officer with the criminal offence of ...
On Saturday evening, March 15, gunfire occurred at recreational centre in Jahodna, near Kosice, when the occupants of one vehicle fired at the driver of another and fled the scene, TASR has learnt ...
The Interior Ministry is preparing a broader amendment to electoral legislation, which will include changes to the way political parties receive funding based on their performance in parliamentary ...
MP and House Conflict of Interest Committee chair Veronika Remisova ('Slovakia'-For the People-KU) stated that she has never commented on or disclosed information about the family members of ...
Speaking on STVR's discussion programme 'O 5 minut 12' (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, MP and Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko said that the government must set clear goals for its ...
Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) is optimistic about the coalition agreement, while opposition MP Zora Jaurova (Progressive Slovakia/PS) believes it's uncertain whether the situation will be ...
Foreign and European Minister Juraj Blanar, along with Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky and House's foreign affairs committee chair Marian Kery (all from Smer-SD), have travelled to India for a ...
Madrid 16. marca (TASR) - V šlágri 28. kola španielskej La Ligy zvíťazili futbalisti FC Barcelona na ihrisku Atletica Madrid 4:2. Hostia pritom prehrávali v 70. minúte 0:2. Barca sa tak v tabuľke ...
Rím 16. marca (TASR) - Futbalisti Interu Miláno majú po 29. kole talianskej Serie A trojbodový náskok na čele tabuľky pred Neapolom. V nedeľnom šlágri zvíťazili "nerazzurri" na pôde Atalanty Bergamo 2 ...
Paríž 16. marca (TASR) - Futbalisti Paríža St. Germain triumfovali v nedeľňajšom šlágri 26. kola francúzskej Ligue 1 nad Olympique Marseille 3:1. Svoj náskok na čele tabuľky tak zvýšili pred svojim ...
Praha 16. marca (TASR) - Hokejisti HC Oceláři Třinec vstúpili do štvrťfinálovej série play off českej extraligy prehrou. Úradujúci majstri podľahli v úvodnom stretnutí na ľade Sparty Praha 3:4 po pred ...
Indian Wells 16. marca (TASR) - Ruská tenistka Mirra Andrejevová získala titul vo dvojhre na prestížnom turnaji WTA 1000 v kalifornskom Indian Wells. Vo finále zdolala najvyššie nasadenú Arinu Sobolen ...
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