When Republican Congressman Pete Stauber of Duluth announced legislation to allow mining near the Boundary Waters earlier ...
Democratic legislators have introduced a bill to bar copper-nickel mines from developing within the same watershed as the ...
Erik Grams has been taking trips to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota for over 30 years. It’s his favorite place in the world. But last year, during a fishing trip, there was a fatal accident that left ...
We have received text from H.R. 588: Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act. This bill was received on 2025-01-21, and currently has 22 cosponsors. Here is a short ...
In areas with significant agricultural land use, expanded bear hunting opportunities can help lower the level of conflict ...
Minnesota Senator Hauschild challenges cuts to the U.S. Forest Service, citing their importance to local communities and ...
When asked again about how many were Superior National Forest employees, the spokesperson said, “I am afraid that this is all I have to share at this time. Please do check back ...
Darin Fagerman, a former Minnesota state trooper and retired conservation officer, built a solar-powered cabin eight-tenths ...
When was the last time you had a nice refreshing glass of root beer? Has it been awhile? Probably. As a soft drink it runs way behind Coke and Pepsi though there are those for whom it is a favorite ...
The Zeitgeist Zinema held a preview event for the upcoming Minnesota Film Festival on Thursday February 20th. The Minnesota Film Festival will be kicking off March 19th to March 23rd and will feature ...