Laine scored a power-play goal on two shots in Saturday's 3-1 win over the Panthers.
The honeymoon is really over between Patrik Laine and the Canadiens’ fans. The time when we wanted to offer him a contract ...
Patrik Laine has missed the last four games due to what the Montreal Canadiens describes as "flu-like symptoms." ...
Laine scored a power-play goal and added an assist in Wednesday's 5-4 overtime loss to the Kraken.
Credit: Is Patrik Laine sick right now? It seems to be the case. But, despite everything, few people believe that he is “really” struggling with flu symptoms. At least, Luc Gélinas is part of that ...
Patrik Laine is engaged to model and social media influencer Jordan Leigh. She has garnered a significant following on Instagram, where she shares insights into her life and wellness journey.
The honeymoon is really over between Patrik Laine and the Canadiens’ fans. The time when we wanted to offer him a contract extension is also over. Montreal is a place loved by players, ...
Patrik Laine, born on April 19, 1998, in Tampere, Finland, is a Finnish professional ice hockey right winger for the Montreal Canadiens in the NHL as of 2025. Drafted second overall by the ...
Suomalaisjääkiekkoilija Patrik Laine on sivussa, kun Montreal Canadiens kohtaa tiistain ja keskiviikon välisenä yönä Vancouver Canucksin NHL:ssä. Kanadalainen mediajätti Sportsnet uutisoi Montrealin ...
Patrik Laine oli sairastelun vuoksi sivussa viime yön NHL-kierrokselta. Laineen edustama Montreal Canadiens hävisi Calgary Flamesia vastaan pelatun ottelun 1-0. Viime aikoina vaisusti pelannut Laine ...