Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja, backed by Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Guneet Monga, is set to make its global digital ...
Suchitra Mattai, Mindy Kaling, Guneet Monga Kapoor, Krushan Naik, Aaron Kopp, Devananda Graves, Michael Graves, Ksheetij ...
The announcement was made through Netflix India's official social media channels on Wednesday evening. The film will premiere ...
Netflix has announced that the Oscar-nominated Indian short film Anuja will be available for streaming on February 5 ...
Netflix is thrilled to bring the Academy Award-nominated live-action short film ‘Anuja’ to audiences worldwide, premiering on ...
Oscar-nominated live-action short film “Anuja” will be released on Netflix on February 5, the streamer announced on ...
Netflix is delighted to announce that the Oscar-nominated live-action short film ‘Anuja’ will premiere on February 5, 2025.
Oscar-nominated Anuja, a poignant short film, debuts on Netflix, telling a story of resilience, love, and sacrifice.