Earthquake talk Humboldt Grange No. 501 will present a “Tsuper Tsunami Tspaghetti Tsupper” Thursday at the grange hall, 5845 Humboldt Hill Road, Eureka. Doors open at 5 p.m. The meal will be served at ...
Don’t wait for an emergency to think about an evacuation or ‘go kit’. The Texas A&M Forest Service recommends you start with ...
High winds and a fire danger are coming to Oklahoma on Friday, meaning you need to be prepared to leave your house in case of an evacuation.
Sign up for our Newsletters "It all comes down to getting a kit, making a plan, and staying informed," said Matthew Trotter, of the Red Cross. The Red Cross advises that go-bags s ...
As wildfire season approaches, experts urge Oklahomans to prepare their emergency supply kits before disaster strikes.
Professor Sakurai Aiko of the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies has a unique background, pursuing a career ...
Kern County Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Services March marks Emergency Preparedness Month, a time dedicated to ensuring individuals and families are equipped for unexpected ...
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake by Orcas Island was the largest to hit Washington since 2020. Here’s how you can prepare for even a minor quake.