The bizarre moment happened as Cllr Alan Gardiner spoke at a meeting and told a Liberal Democrat member to 'shut up'.
In the southern state of Bavaria, two of Hitler’s closest associates, Adolf Wagner and Hans Frank, were installed as state ...
The future leader of the Nazis, Adolf Hitler, as chair of what was then the modest, smaller-scale National Socialist German ...
In the southern state of Bavaria, two of Hitler’s closest associates, Adolf Wagner and Hans Frank, were installed as state interior minister and state minister of justice, respectively. Himmler ...
Adolf Hitler was disillusioned and bitter after World War One. He felt the war had ended too soon and the Weimar Republic had sold Germany out by agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles. In 1919 he ...
In return the Church would stay out of political matters and not criticise the Nazis. This allowed Hitler to ban the Catholic Zentrum party without opposition from the Catholic Church. Despite ...
When she asked what grandpa Ernst did in the Third Reich, Katrin Himmler’s father used to tell her that he was basically an apolitical man who was prodded into joining the Nazi Party by his elder ...
Gehorsam und Intrigen, Brutalität und Gier, Hass und Ehrgeiz – Hitlers Helfer ringen permanent um Macht und Einfluss. Die "Komplizen des Bösen" prägen die Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus.