Working with GMCA and developer partner Peel Land, the local authorities envisage delivery of 9,000 homes, 3.7m sq ft of ...
Manchester City Council remains in “regular, active conversations” with the Labour government about the relocation of  HMP ...
About us  The city council’s Environmental Policy team covers a wide range of environmental policy and programme areas. These are issues that are council priorities, so it is activity that involves ...
Stronger partnerships, being willing to take more risks, and adopting off-site manufacturing at scale were all posited as ways the North can deliver better schemes at pace at a Place North panel ...
Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham reiterated that the club’s new home would receive zero public funding while Manchester United COO Collette Roche told Place North West she is sure the club can ...
The international brand appeal of Manchester United FC and the emergence of development potential in the surrounding area make Old Trafford an extremely attractive regeneration prospect, according to ...
The local authority will look into working with the consortium, made up of Barratt Redrow, Homes England and Lloyds Banking Group, as master developer.
Local authority leaders and decision-makers held court on the Place North stand on Tuesday 11 March to set their stalls out for the week.
Eamonn Boylan is hoping to restructure the way the organisation works from within and leave a lasting legacy that will provide a springboard for delivery when he vacates his post for the next ...
An 8,500 sq ft Sainsbury’s Local, marketed at £3m, has been acquired by the North East investor. Mason Owen represented the vendor, with Naylors Gavin Black working for Ashworth Investments Management ...
Wigan Council has laid the foundations for large-scale development in its borough and now is the time to deliver, according to the council’s director of place Aidan Thatcher.
Coral Products has sold the North and South buildings at Haydock Industrial Estate, comprising a combined 20,000 sq ft, to the firm for £1.7m.