Eddie Gouveia, a well-known businessman from Louis Trichardt, has been safely reunited with his family after enduring over three months in captivity. Eddie Gouveia reunited with his family after ...
According to police spokesperson Colonel André Traut, no arrests have been made yet. “The team requests space to conduct its investigation. Speculation about who the investigation is directed at, ...
These statements, which detailed an incident on 14 November 2021, included grammatical errors and identical wording despite her claims that she had not referred to her original draft. When questioned ...
While he conceded that black people should have the right to vote, he argued that this should only apply in their “homelands,” echoing apartheid-era policies. When pressed about his lack of remorse ...
Western Cape Serious and Violent Crimes detectives are investigating a brazen shooting outside a primary school in Wallacedene, Kraaifontein, that left a 54-year-old school principal dead and a female ...
“This activity aims to protect beneficiaries from identity theft and ensure that payments are made to the rightful individuals. Beneficiaries whose records are flagged for verification can reapply ...
Authorities are working to confirm the vehicle’s registration and are actively pursuing leads to locate the suspects. This jewellery heist adds to a history of high-profile incidents at Musgrave ...
Additionally, the court struck down the current R370 SRD grant amount as unconstitutional, citing that it fails to meet the basic needs of South Africans amid rising living costs and inflation. The ...
A shocking act of violence was captured on security cameras outside a tavern at the corner of Bree and Mooi Streets in Hillbrow on Sunday evening. The CCTV footage, circulating on social media, shows ...
Controversial blogger Musa Khawula appeared in the Fochville Magistrate’s Court on Friday for an attempted murder charge dating back to February 2021. Cases pile on as Musa Khawula appears for ...
A person was shot and killed in a targeted attack outside the Lenasia Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday morning. The shooting occurred at the courthouse entrance on Lenasia Drive, shocking the community ...
Universal Music Group (UMG) has filed a motion to dismiss Drake’s pre-suit deposition request in Texas, escalating the ongoing legal battle between the global record label and the Toronto rapper. UMG ...