Tom Tebb is retiring from Ecology after 33 years of service. Let's look back on his remarkable career and lifelong commitment ...
Grants from Ecology helped fund Washington's first electric fire truck, which was recently unveiled by the City of Redmond.
We’re hosting a public meeting from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. to share background information about the linkage agreement, answer questions, and listen to your comments. There is another meeting on March 5 at ...
We invite you to comment on the proposed rule and documents related to the rulemaking to develop Cosmetic Product Restrictions (Chapter 173-339 WAC).
In 2008, Washington's Legislature passed the Children's Safe Products Act (or CSPA) (Chapter 70A.430 RCW). This law applies to children’s products sold in Washington state. Washington’s laws apply to ...
Recycling helps reduce pollution, save energy, conserve natural resources, and support local jobs and businesses. Follow these tips to make sure your recycling efforts don't go to waste. Even items ...
We manage the Padilla Bay Reserve, which provides research and stewardship opportunities as well as educational classes and professional trainings on a variety of environmental topics. The Breazeale ...
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reports are required under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). TRI provides annual data about chemical releases and pollution prevention ...
We are pleased to announce the availability of the State Fiscal Year 2026 (SFY26) Draft Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan (Draft List) for public review and comment. We invite your comments on ...
This is a sounding board meeting of city and county planning staff to share concerns, questions, and ideas about the existing WAC language and what they would like to see incorporated into the updates ...