Netflix's live-action adaptation of the beloved animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender is back with a Season 2. Despite dividing fans, its success has ensured the continuation of Aang and his ...
So, casting her was a tall order. However, they did it, as Netflix announced that Miya Cech will be playing the iconic role, ...
Miya Cech’s Toph will retain her spunky personality but appear slightly older in the live-action series. The show promises a mix of classic traits and new storylines to deepen Toph’s character.
But making the jump from animation to live-action means changes. To play Toph, Netflix has cast Miya Cech, who is 17 years old. Cech talked recently to Pacific Rim Video Press about what it was ...
During a recent red carpet interview, actress Miya Cech discussed her upcoming role. Cech was confirmed to be playing the blind Earth Bender last year during Netflix’s Geeked Week event and ...
Toph Beifong's bold character and unmatched skills in earthbending are eagerly awaited in the upcoming season. Recently, actress Miya Cech, who plays Toph, revealed that her character will undergo ...
The film is also too fast-paced, with Ruby and Zu – an adorable little girl played by Miya Cech – bonding immediately, and Ruby and Liam instantaneously falling in love. Narration by the ...