Each Fate anime follows a different war, sometimes even a different timeline with nothing to do with the others. However, each season tells an action-packed story with interesting characters.
The Holy Church in the Fate Series plays a crucial role in eradicating supernatural phenomena deemed heretical through lethal means. The Church and Mage’s Association have differing philosophies ...
WALE AKINSELURE, in this piece, writes on the hubris, battles and intrigues that sealed Obasa’s fate. On Monday ... in a bid to tell his side of the story and probably pacify a visibly angry ...
President Donald Trump’s executive order to suspend the US refugee program could leave at least 2,000 Afghans in limbo who had previously been approved to resettle in the US, a major Afghan ...
The Supreme Court heard arguments for two-and-a-half hours on Friday over whether TikTok can be banned in the United States in less than one week. By the end, the justices appeared ready to allow the ...
On Monday night, the Golden State Warriors got blown out by the Boston Celtics, 125-85 in their biggest home loss over the last four decades. The Warriors entered the game as underdogs, but at 21 ...
US President Joe Biden won't enforce a ban on the social media app TikTok that is set to take effect a day before he leaves office on Monday, a US official said on Thursday, leaving its fate in ...
Big news just in from the court room… (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron) This article contains spoilers for tonight’s episode of EastEnders, which airs on BBC One at 7.30pm but can be ...
TEL AVIV — On lampposts, in shop windows and on smartphone screens across Israel, the posters show a smiling, red-headed baby boy clutching a pink elephant. And now the country is bracing to ...