Each Fate anime follows a different war, sometimes even a different timeline with nothing to do with the others. However, each season tells an action-packed story with interesting characters.
Fans are still debating whether Haleth survived the Battle of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers. Viewers speculate the young boy may have perished due to his lack of fighting skills. Despite the ...
President Donald Trump’s executive order to suspend the US refugee program could leave at least 2,000 Afghans in limbo who had previously been approved to resettle in the US, a major Afghan ...
On Monday night, the Golden State Warriors got blown out by the Boston Celtics, 125-85 in their biggest home loss over the last four decades. The Warriors entered the game as underdogs, but at 21 ...
Big news just in from the court room… (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron) This article contains spoilers for tonight’s episode of EastEnders, which airs on BBC One at 7.30pm but can be ...
TEL AVIV — On lampposts, in shop windows and on smartphone screens across Israel, the posters show a smiling, red-headed baby boy clutching a pink elephant. And now the country is bracing to ...
TikTok is now accessible again in the United States. Just how long that lasts will likely depend on incoming President Donald Trump. TikTok restored access for American users midday on Sunday ...
If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk entertainment team by emailing us [email protected], calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit ...
Travis Gettys is a senior editor for Raw Story based in northern Kentucky. He previously worked as a web editor for WLWT-TV and a contributing writer for the Kentucky Enquirer, and he also wrote ...