Scientists have long used Gaussian beams to study how light interacts with matter. These beams resemble plane waves and rely ...
Controlled Pneumatics combines proportional technology, sensors and control algorithms into a closed-loop control system.
As their name suggests, nanocrystals are tiny particles. These particles are crystalline elements with at least one dimension smaller than 1,000 nanometres, where a nanometre is one thousand-millionth ...
Researchers from RMIT University and the University of Melbourne have discovered that water generates an electrical charge up ...
Imagine a microscopic locomotive moving back and forth along a track, propelling itself without any external force. At the ...
New research is reshaping our understanding of one of nature’s most stunning yet destructive phenomena —  massive swarms of desert locusts.
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Local integrals of motion are useful for understanding emergent integrability in many-body localized systems. Here the authors use a large-scale superconducting quantum processor with up to 124 ...