SAN DIEGO — The City of San Diego is evaluating an emergency coastal development permit to stabilize an eroding bluff beneath ...
Cherry blossoms or four-leaf clovers? Don't choose this San Diego weekend – try both, along with the debut of a big new ...
Over 370,000 ballots are on their way to registered voters in the County of San Diego’s First Supervisorial District for the April 8 special primary election.
C atalina Island looks like a dream with its crystal clear waters, scenic hikes, and charming small town vibe. But is it ...
San Diego Coastkeeper’s first annual report on Mission Bay’s water quality shows persistently high levels of bacteria, copper ...
SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond today announced that 83 schools have been designated as a Purple Star School ...
As a boy growing up with seven other family members crammed into a small room with intermittent electricity and no running ...