Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Felix Diallo, Ambassador of Mali to India, was in Bhopal to attend the recently concluded Global Investors Summit (GIS). During his visit, Diallo spoke to Free Press about ...
BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — Mali's army said it's investigating soldiers who were accused by separatist Tuareg rebels of killing at least 24 civilians earlier this week, in a rare probe of human rights ...
Norah Mahlangu, maire de la municipalité locale de Tswaing, dans le district de Ngaka Modiri, au Nord-Ouest de l’Afrique du Sud, a pris un congé spécial d’un mois après la fuite d’une ...
Une vingtaine de civils ont été tués lundi à l'aube dans le nord du Mali quand leurs véhicules ont été pris pour cible, ont affirmé à l'AFP des sources locales, accusant des mercenaires ...
Around 20 people were killed in northern Mali on Monday when the vehicles they were traveling in came under attack, with local sources telling Agence France-Presse that Wagner mercenaries and Mali ...
About 20 people were killed in Mali. A separatist rebel group blamed Mali soldiers and Wagner mercenaries for the killings. The Mali army declined to comment. Around 20 people were killed in northern ...
At least 48 miners were killed in western Mali after an illegally-operated goldmine in Bilalkoto collapsed on Saturday. Local reports said that a Caterpillar excavator fell on a group of women at ...
Our vision is to innovate and incorporate promising technologies to communicate freely available, high-priority, high-quality content, which accelerates scientific progress and advances heart and ...
Le Burkina Faso et le Mali sont engagés dans une dynamique similaire: depuis plusieurs mois, ils bousculent eux aussi les intérêts des entreprises minières, généralement étrangères ...
Le ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection Civile a réagi aux inquiétudes concernant des difficultés administratives rencontrées par certains détenteurs du nouveau passeport ...