Most of us know something about JFK, and to some JFK remains an appealing memory; he was popular, charismatic, and witty like no president has been since. He also had an appreciation of American ...
On Tuesday night, it was very hard for anyone who is a neutral observer to do anything other than recognize the forward-looking, expansive nature of President Donald Trump's vision.
Trump was strong and direct in his address to Congress. Is it all rhetoric or are there real action items to pursue?
President Trump has the power to resolve a mystery that has devastated our belief and trust in the American system.
As the deadline for the release of the files looms, Rhian Lubin revisits some of the outlandish and more compelling theories ...
The actor wore a twin berry brooch by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co. to the Academy Awards—nearly identical to one JFK ...
From JFK’s inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1961, with surely the Soviets in mind: “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden ...
Graf/Getty Images Privately, however, JFK lashed out at his generals ... impelled him to use his January 1961 farewell address to warn the nation of “the acquisition of unwarranted influence ...
JFK's first day as president (Jan. 20, 1961) is remembered most for his famous words in his inauguration speech "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." ...
“Kennedy was wary of them,” said Harvard historian Fredrik Logevall, author of JFK: Coming of Age in the ... First, in February 1961, there was a punch-up with Arleigh Burke, the virulently ...
Kennedy Jr. “President-elect Kennedy personally selected and purchased this two-fruit clip of diamonds and rubies for his wife at Tiffany and Company on January 11, 1961, just days prior to his ...