House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Barry Loudermilk sent Fulton County DA employees letters Thursday requesting documents in their possession related to the Jan. 6 Committee.
The California Attorney General responded to the district attorney and would not provide an opinion on the matter.
On Friday, Feb. 7, Metcalfe removed Doug’s prostate using the Da Vinci robotic surgical system which had just come online on ...
The book on which she collaborated with two fellow feminists drew global attention to the repression of women under their ...
A former Union County sheriff’s deputy has been barred from testifying in criminal cases after the district attorney found he ...
The Cattaraugus County sheriff and his predecessor have endorsed Republican Ashley Smith in the 2025 race for district ...
State Attorney General investigations can drag on for years, while local prosecutors bring closure and justice within months, ...
Mr. Fehlman, You are a liberal and I am a conservative. We look at life through a different lens. And the twain shall never meet.
The House Judiciary Committee, which is led by Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, says it is continuing its investigation into ...
Your editorial “Britain should be bolder with its EU reset” ( FT View, February 7) implicitly accepts the Labour government’s inherited “red lines” by pronouncing them “political realities”.
As a fiscal conservative with homeschooled children, you may ask, “Why are you voting yes on the Castle Rock School District replacement levy and encouraging me to do the same?” I’ll state ...