For example, the Australian hammer orchid has taken advantage of a mating ritual of the Thynnid wasp, which involves a female wasp waiting on top of a branch or plant for a male to spot her.
Deep in the tropical rainforests of northern Ecuador, researchers equipped with slingshots launched traps scented with ...
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
Some orchids lure bees with the promise of food by mimicking the appearance of nectar-producing flowers, while others, as in the case of a Dracula orchid, attract gnats by producing an array of ...
Some plants have evolved in unique ways to survive ... It is so rare that there is a ban on its export. Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid (Ophrys Bomybliflora) The aptly-named orchid copies the shape ...
Some flowers go to extraordinary lengths to attract pollinators. Bee orchids mimic the shape and scent of bees in order to lure them into ‘pseudocopulation’, where the male insect attempts to mate ...
We now had several orchid plants in one place, increasing our chances of catching one in flower, but we were relying on the plants to attract wild bees. Our scientific consultant, David Roubik ...