A former National Park Service (NPS) ranger is speaking out after around 1,000 employees were reportedly let go from their positions with the organization as part of efforts from Donald Trump's administration to cut federal spending.
Federal agencies in Wyoming like the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service aren’t immune from the sweeping downsizing President Donald Trump
At the same time, Donald Trump was kind enough to sign an executive order bringing us a National Park of American Heroes, he has also decided to close down the National Park Service.
Its erasure of trans people is similar to the erasure of trans people from the NPS webpage for the Stonewall National Monument, which occurred near mid-February. The trans-exclusionary initialism of “LGB” is not widely used by queer people or in queer or mainstream media.
Workforce job cuts by President Donald Trump and advisor Elon Musk concerns York VA Medical Center patient and National Park Service visitor in Murfreesboro.
Maryland national parks, from Fort McHenry to the C&O Canal, lost employees to Trump administration firings earlier this month.
Congaree National Park is the only national park in South Carolina. Would Trump Administration budget cuts curtail park hours, hamper basic services?
The group says six employees were fired at Channel Islands National Park and other positions eliminated. Here's what to know.