A photo of a suit-wearing Volodymyr Zelenskiy shaking hands with the World Economic Forum’s founder has been presented online as evidence of double-standards by the Ukrainian president, though online discourse omits context that the photo is from years before Zelenskiy adopted more simple,
A minister says nearly all key details have been finalised for a deal giving the US access to the country's minerals.
The war has killed and wounded more than one million soldiers in all, according to Ukrainian and Western estimates. But drones now kill more soldiers and destroy more armoured vehicles in Ukraine than all traditional weapons of war combined, including sniper rifles, tanks, howitzers and mortars, Ukrainian commanders and officials say.
However, it doesn't specify who would provide those guarantees or what shape they would take. Ukraine — described by the World Economic Forum as "a key potential supplier of rare earth metals" — is believed to hold about 5% of global rare-earth metal ...
Soros Fund Management CEO Dawn Fitzpatrick shares her view on the Ukraine-Russia peace talk and its impact on U.S. economy.
Ukraine’s ambassador to Nigeria, Ivan Kholostenko, called on African countries to showcase solidarity in batting threats from so called neo-colonialist Russia.