The Pa. Game Commission is monitoring a growing outbreak of avian influenza in eastern Pennsylvania. Here's what happened.
The organized shooting was in response to 200 dead, and countless more dying, geese initially discovered at the quarries.
Now that the weather's dropped, it can be hard to imagine spending more than a couple minutes outside. So how in the world ...
By Marianne Barnett Each winter, new avian visitors arrive in the Hamptons and do their best to blend in with the locals. In ...
Coyote statues, meant to scare away geese, are the newest inhabitants of Longmont’s Loomiller Park. City of Longmont ...
Naturally is a bi-weekly column about birding on the Cape written for the Herald by staff at the New Jersey Audubon. While ...
“There are snow geese going in and out of there all of the ... With the scarcity of food over the winter months, she said predators are eating the sick birds and getting sick, too.