Police in Karnataka have released Siddhanth Kapoor, son of veteran Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor, on bail after he was arrested for consuming drugs at a party in Bengaluru. Along with four others ...
Actor Shakti Kapoor, who took on Bigg Boss 5, said he participated in the show to show his children (Shraddha Kapoor and Siddhanth Kapoor) that he could abstain from alcohol for a month.
Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor made a playful nod to her father Shakti Kapoor’s iconic role in Andaz Apna Apna as she ...
Shraddha Kapoor and Siddhanth Kapoor, that he could stay away from alcohol for an entire month. Shakti Kapoor explained that he wasn’t aiming to win the competition but wanted to set an example ...
The Kapoor family includes Shakti’s wife, Shivangi Kolhapure, who comes from the renowned Kolhapure family of actors and singers. Shraddha has a close relationship with her brother, Siddhanth ...
Here's all you need to know. Shakti Kapoor’s son and Shraddha Kapoor’s son Siddhanth Kapoor has been detained for consuming drugs after police raided a rave party in Bengaluru. Before him ...
Shakti Kapoor has been married to Shivangi ... accepted the marriage after the birth of their children, Siddhanth and Shraddha Kapoor. The ‘Love at First Sight’ has its own charm, apparently ...