Whether you're a new or lifelong fan of turnips, you still might be caught wondering what to do with the leftovers after ...
Sometimes, they're even roasted and served together. Turnip greens are also a classic Southern dish, typically prepared ...
Simply coat turnips in olive oil, roast until tender, and combine with salad greens, your choice of nuts (walnuts or almonds work well), dried cranberries, and crumbled feta cheese. Toss with a simple ...
Spread the turnips on the preheated baking sheet and roast for about 18 minutes, until tender. Transfer the turnips to a platter and let cool. Drizzle with the vinaigrette and serve.
Grill (turnips): Cut turnips to preferred size. Brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place on grill pan, continuously turning until tender. Grill for 2 minutes on each side ...
Early-crop turnips can be lightly cooked in butter, braised or roasted or even eaten raw in salads when very young. Main-crop turnips are larger and coarser, more similar to swedes, and as the ...