The burning passion of the Hindi cinema pioneer, inspired by his father Prithviraj Kapoor, led to the birth of RK Studios that year. The banner's films, starting with "Aag" and going on to "Awara ...
Ramanand Sagar, who was associated with Prithviraj Kapoor's theatre company, wrote this film, the story of two friends with opposing views on love. Pran (Raj Kapoor) believes in true love and ...
Besides Awara, Prithviraj also was Raj’s on-screen father in Kal Aaj Aur Kal. This film, released on July 1, 1971 saw three generations of Kapoors again together, with Randhir Kapoor ...
Prithviraj Kapoor established a legacy that has been carried forward by his children and grandchildren. For four generations—starting with Prithviraj Kapoor, followed by Raj Kapoor and his ...
Raj Kapoor, son of film and theatre veteran Prithviraj Kapoor, was an actor, an editor, a director and a producer who founded RK Studios in 1948.
New Delhi, She worked with Prithviraj Kapoor in 1965 and was a regular on the sets of Raj Kapoor's films and last worked with Kareena Kapoor on her debut film "Refugee". Junior artist Asha Rani ...