The proposed ordinance would hold both landlords and occupants accountable for nuisance violations at a property.
A man is in the hospital after he was reportedly stabbed at the IKEA store near Priest Drive and Elliott Road.
Attorneys for a Chicago police officer have notified the Tempe Police Department about their plans to sue the department.
Jalen Woods was visiting Arizona in August of 2024 when he was arrested while driving a rental vehicle on Mill Avenue, ...
Francisco Javier Gutierrez was arrested in the Quartzsite area, believed to be fleeing to California, when he was taken into ...
Gerald Lemanski became concerned when he found a bag on the doorstep of his Tempe home in July 2024. It led to his arrest.
Sebastian Flores was arrested on Feb. 26, 2025 after trying to "fraudulently sell" a car in California. He has ties to ...
The Arizona Republic had reported on Saturday that a man who identified the suspect as his co-worker was hospitalized in critical condition after Tempe police and the Phoenix Fire Department ...