Once only indicated through a sketch by Leonardo da Vinci from around 1495, concealed passageways have been discovered ...
Explore Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works like the Mona Lisa, as well as his drawings and unfinished works. In 1517, Leonardo showed a visitor a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a ...
Leonardo da Vinci approached the world with a fearless ambition to expand his mind. However, as an illegitimate son, he was unable to receive a classical education. Fortunately, Leonardo saw this ...
The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci are considered one of the most valuable documents in the history of science, art and invention. The Italian artist's notebooks contain a treasure trove of ...
Come on over here, and please meet, Leonardo da Vinci. LEONARDO DA VINCI:Ciao Dick and Dom. DICK:'Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 near the town of Vinci His name actually means Leonardo OF Vinci.' ...