President John F. Kennedy flew to Texas for a five-city re-election campaign tour. Less than 13 hours later, he was ...
On Feb. 12, 1964, a little more than 10 weeks following the assassination of President John ... Harvard historian Fredrik Logevall, author of JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century, 1917-1956.
A congressional task force will interview "first-hand witnesses" of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Rep.
Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who leaped onto the back of President John F. Kennedy's limousine after the president ...
Clint Hill scrambled to protect Kennedy and his young wife, Jacqueline, as they enjoyed an open motorcade tour through Dallas.
“The JFK Conspiracy” begins with Pavlick’s secret plot, foiled in December 1960, and ends with Kennedy’s assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. One week after her husband’s ...
Although few may recognize his name, the footage of Hill, captured on Abraham Zapruder’s chilling home movie of the assassination ... FBI says it found 2,400 new JFK assassination records ...
Although few may recognize his name, the footage of Hill, captured on Abraham Zapruder’s chilling home movie of the assassination ... agent scarred by the JFK assassination, was inspired ...
Clint Hill received Secret Service awards and was promoted for his actions that day, but for decades blamed himself for the ...
Although few may recognize his name, the footage of Hill, captured on Abraham Zapruder's chilling home movie of the assassination ... agent scarred by the JFK assassination, was inspired in ...