national flags can be flown at half-staff after the death of a serving or former official or serving member of the armed ...
The Hill Country Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars received a presentation on the history of flags of the ...
The flag included a blue star for every immediate family member serving in the armed forces of the United States, during any period of war or hostilities in which the armed forces of the United ...
In general, however, straight rows of stars and proportions similar to those later adopted officially were used. The principal acts affecting the flag of the United States are the following: ...
There are specific holidays and events when flags are flown at half-staff in the United States. The Arizona state website outlines those days as: Memorial Day, when the flag should be displayed ...
There are specific holidays and events for which flags are flown at half-staff in the United States ... unless that day is also Armed Forces Day. Patriot Day. National Pearl Harbor Remembrance ...