Purple sea urchins are responsible for much of the massive kelp deforestation along California’s coast. These spiky purple balls aren’t the harmless creatures most people encounter in the ...
A “beautiful” mama sea creature was spotted alongside her baby off the coast of California. On Feb. 27, a northern right ...
A “rare” sea creature sighting was captured off the coast of California. During whale watching trips on Jan. 2, onlookers saw a fin whale and a minke whale, which are “rare sightings for ...
Thousands of sea creatures were spotted off California coast, officials said. Getty Images/iStockphoto A group conducting a survey said it was able to experience the “mind blowing” sight of a ...
I traveled five hours on the Amtrak Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo. I traveled through California by train in February. One unexpected highlight of my trip was the five-hour ...